The sacrament of Confirmation is usually celebrated by 8th graders at Sunday liturgy in the winter months of February or March, and the preparation process includes many components; such as: catechesis, service, prayer, retreat, and sponsor night. The first two sacraments of initiation (Baptism and First Holy Communion) must have been received before Confirmation. The process is as follows:
~Young people who do not attend the parish school or ANCHOR program and wish to complete their sacraments of initiation and be confirmed should contact Vicky Chism at the Parish Office.
~For 8th graders in the parish school and ANCHOR program, Confirmation preparation begins in the classrooms when school resumes in August/September.
~There is an information meeting in September for parents of 8th grade students where more details about the sacramental process are given out; along with a packet of information which includes a calendar of activities/events.
~Confirmation candidates are asked to choose a sponsor to accompany them on their sacramental journey toward Confirmation. Sponsors should be practicing Catholics, age 16 or older, and may not be a parent. They should be someone who is accessible to the candidate and that they can easily relate to comfortably. Godparents are good choices as sponsors.
~Candidates and sponsors are required to attend a Candidate/Sponsor night, usually held in October.
~Candidates are required to complete a set number of service experiences during the sacramental process and offer a written reflection on these.
~Candidates attend a retreat day off site, that is usually held in January; with a parent dinner following.
~Candidates participate in Confirmation interviews at the beginning and/or end of the process with parish staff.
~Candidates are required to write a letter to Archbishop Kurtz stating why they wish to be confirmed and how they have prepared for the sacrament.
~Candidates, sponsors, and parents should attend the Confirmation practice; usually held the week of or a week prior to the celebration of the sacrament.